
Matt and Ashley have a passion for cooking and creating incredible food. Between thetwo of them, they have over 40 years of combined experience cooking, learning on thejob and schooling. While Matt is a graduate of The Culinary Institute of America,Ashley’s education was on the job training and books. Lots of books! She had theamazing opportunity to land a job as a prep cook at the sweet young age of 19 andinstantly realized that kitchen people, are her people. By the age of 21, she hadalready earned the title of Pastry Chef at an award-winning restaurant in Las Vegas.And although her resume mostly reads Pastry Chef, Ashley is a sponge when it comesto learning about and cooking anything and everything. Nothing brings her more joythan tackling a new project and learning how to make something new and different.From desserts and breads to cuisines from other cultures and countries to highlytechnical pates, terrines and other charcuterie treats, Ashley loves to do it all!
Matt got an even earlier start in the culinary world. His high school in New Hampshirehad the youngest chapter of the American Culinary Federation and lucky for us, he choseto participate. He even landed the job as President of his chapter. From there, Mattgraduated early and headed straight to culinary school. While in school, his currentlove for cooking grew even more. After graduating from CIA, he bounced around NewEngland a bit working as a cook until finding himself in upstate New York. Afterspending several years there, Matt attended a job fair at his alma mater and met a Cheffrom the Aspen area in Colorado who was recruiting for the winter ski season. He packedup and moved halfway across the country where he worked hard and eventually earned theExecutive Sous Chef title working under an amazing Chef. Colorado is also where Matt andAshley met and have been a part of each other’s lives for almost a decade. Firstfriends, then more. These two are a culinary dream team!